1 | UNALLOCATED | Unallocated (unassigned) number |
2 | NO_ROUTE_TRANSIT_NET | No route to specified transmit network |
3 | NO_ROUTE_DESTINATION | No route to destination |
6 | CHANNEL_UNACCEPTABLE | Channel unacceptable |
7 | CALL_AWARDED_DELIVERED | Call awarded and being delivered in an established channel |
16 | NORMAL_CLEARING | Normal Clearing |
17 | USER_BUSY | User busy |
18 | NO_USER_RESPONSE | No user responding |
19 | NO_ANSWER | User alerting, no answer |
21 | CALL_REJECTED | Call Rejected |
22 | NUMBER_CHANGED | Number changed |
27 | DESTINATION_OUT_OF_ORDER | Destination out of order |
28 | INVALID_NUMBER_FORMAT | Invalid number format |
29 | FACILITY_REJECTED | Facility rejected |
30 | RESPONSE_TO_STATUS_ENQUIRY | Response to STATus ENQuiry |
31 | NORMAL_UNSPECIFIED | Normal, unspecified |
34 | NORMAL_CIRCUIT_CONGESTION | Circuit/channel congestion |
38 | NETWORK_OUT_OF_ORDER | Network out of order |
41 | NORMAL_TEMPORARY_FAILURE | Temporary failure |
42 | SWITCH_CONGESTION | Switching equipment congestion |
43 | ACCESS_INFO_DISCARDED | Access information discarded |
44 | REQUESTED_CHAN_UNAVAIL | Requested channel not available |
45 | PRE_EMPTED | Pre-empted |
50 | FACILITY_NOT_SUBSCRIBED | Facility not subscribed |
52 | OUTGOING_CALL_BARRED | Outgoing call barred |
54 | INCOMING_CALL_BARRED | Incoming call barred |
57 | BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTAUTH | Bearer capability not authorized |
58 | BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTAVAIL | Bearer capability not available |
65 | BEARERCAPABILITY_NOTIMPL | Bearer capability not implemented |
66 | CHAN_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Channel not implemented |
69 | FACILITY_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | Facility not implemented |
81 | INVALID_CALL_REFERENCE | Invalid call reference value |
88 | INCOMPATIBLE_DESTINATION | Incompatible destination |
95 | INVALID_MSG_UNSPECIFIED | Invalid message unspecified |
96 | MANDATORY_IE_MISSING | Mandatory information element is missing |
97 | MESSAGE_TYPE_NONEXIST | Message type nonexist. |
98 | WRONG_MESSAGE | Wrong message |
99 | IE_NONEXIST | Info. element nonexist or not implemented |
100 | INVALID_IE_CONTENTS | Invalid information element contents |
101 | WRONG_CALL_STATE | Message not compatible with call state |
102 | RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRE | Recover on timer expiry |
103 | MANDATORY_IE_LENGTH_ERROR | Mandatory IE length error |
111 | PROTOCOL_ERROR | Protocol error, unspecified |
127 | INTERWORKING | Interworking, unspecified |